Friday, April 30, 2010

Making footprints

It would seem absurd to many, ridiculous to most, useless to some, and interesting to very few.

Today when most people, my age, are busy having fun, when those pensive few, blessed with the power of thought, dabble in the deepest of life's philosophies, when some look around for brain stimulating humor, while the rest most surely deny them this privilege, I struggle to find my place among my peers.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ashes fall like snow

April 26th 2010.

Its been 16 years, since the fateful events in the village of Chernobyl near Pripyat in northern Ukaraine (then in the Soviet Union). Existence was brought to an eerie standstill in what is considered the worlds worst nuclear disaster ever, and the comatose state of the region is a shocking proof of it.