Saturday, February 6, 2010

That's Life

That's life, that's what
All the people say.
You are riding high
In April,
Shot down in May.
But I know I'm gonna
Change that tune,
When I'm back on top
Back on top in June.

Of Flyovers, the lights and the smiles.

In the time I spent at Delhi, preparing for engineering entrance exams, I frequently traveled between Yusuf Sarai where my hostel was located, and Sarvapriya Vihar. For those of you un-familiar with the local geography of this region, Sarvapriya Vihar is a sort of educational hub of its own. More specifically Kalusarai. All of the best institutes, for preparation for any entrance exam after graduating from school, have a center here. The fact that it is situated bang in front of IIT Delhi, only adds to the motivation factor.

In the midst of all these symbols of growing India, stands another, the IIT flyover. Flyover by day, and well flyover by the night too. Though the meaning of the word flyover, is different for different people.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Power of Thought

The Thinker. One of the most famous sculptures ever made by man. Ever thought what in a rough stone piece shaped like an ordinary man would continue to enthrall generations of mankind?

The Answer: It is supposed to be thinking.

Thought process is the beginning and the end of the world. The Elephant has its size and tusks, the Tiger, its claws and ferocity, the Cheetah, its speed, Birds, they can fly; the fish can swim. But the man, he can think