The Thinker. One of the most famous sculptures ever made by man. Ever thought what in a rough stone piece shaped like an ordinary man would continue to enthrall generations of mankind?
The Answer: It is supposed to be thinking.
Thought process is the beginning and the end of the world. The Elephant has its size and tusks, the Tiger, its claws and ferocity, the Cheetah, its speed, Birds, they can fly; the fish can swim. But the man, he can think
Evolution has made man the most dominant biological phenomenon in this planet's history. Thought has driven man to build, to discover, to invent, to war and now to strive for peace.
Thinking is a basic human instinct.
But what if we shun our thoughts? Or worse still, override those of reason and put up our faith in events or happenings to themselves turn in our favor. You don't need to think too far for that. Just look around yourself.
Everywhere you see people of various kinds, creeds, and coming from various strata of the society, who refuse to think. Be it the corrupt civil servant, who won't think about what he is encouraging, when he refuses to take any responsibility for anything that's transpired, or be it his junior who mired in his boss's orders and bogged down by the atmosphere, refrains from suggesting ways in which a job could be done better. It could also be the colleague in your project group who is afraid of trying something new. He is scared of what a new thought could lead to, and wants to be safe, sticks to the much followed path.
Its much better to move ahead alone, than to be stuck in a place as a group. People who can think, take heart. There are others out there. They are all looking around for the people with thought. The movers of this world. If you can think of what to do and not who to blame, then you are one too.
We who think, have been blessed with great power. Quoting Tobey Maguire's Spiderman "With great power comes great responsibility. This is our curse, its our gift."
Who are we?
We are The Power of Thought.
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